Posts Tagged ‘EMT’


Labor Day is an opportunity to celebrate the everyday heroes who keep our country moving and growing. That certainly includes the millions of public safety workers who protect our safety and health around the clock. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those numbers include:

  • 1.1 million career and volunteer fire fighters
  • 1 million private security guards
  • 800,000 local, state, and federal law enforcement officers
  • 435,000 correction and detention officers
  • 210,000 paramedics
  • 103,000 Probation officers, parole officers, and treatment specialists

A special thanks to each and every one of you for the work you do!

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Want to see some heroes at work? This week’s vid features the trailer for a documentary by a young film maker, Justin Salerian, and an equally young producer, Michael Marantz, who deftly captured the intense drama of working as an EMT in Johannesberg, South Africa.

Their movie, Tell Me and I Will Forget, tells the story of paramedics struggling to treat patients amidst the violence and chaos occurring in Johannesberg. It was filmed using handheld cameras, which just makes an already engaging story all the more intimate and compelling.

Trailer for “Tell Me and I Will Forget”

If you’re not aware, Johannesberg has one of the highest crime rates in the world, making it not only one of the most dangerous places to live and visit, but an even more dangerous place to work.

According to the US Department of State, violent crime is a particular concern there:

Violent, confrontational crime is a major concern. Such crimes include home invasion robberies, burglaries, carjackings, street muggings, smash-and-grabs, organized attacks on commercial and retail centers (shopping malls and outlets), bombings of ATMs, as well as attacks on cash-in-transit vehicles/personnel (i.e., armored car/personnel).

The EMTs featured are some of the most highly trained in the country, and they respond to many of these crime scenes using specially equipped vehicles that allow them to travel quickly across long distances.

If you’re interested in emergency medicine, especially the work EMTs do, then you’ll absolutely enjoy this film.

It’s currently available for streaming on Netflix and Amazon.

Have a safe weekend!

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